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GOD Loves you and wants to meet you at your point of need today. May you sense the warmth of HIS embrace now...

Welcome to Faith-Now Christian Ministries...

We're glad you stopped in to get to know a little about us.  No matter who you are or where you're at on your journey of faith, we sincerely pray that you sense GOD's Love  through our virtual embrace. With open arms we welcome you to connect with this ministry and get ready to grow, grow, and thrive in a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.

Share any comments or questions you might have via the 'contact us tab'. Our prayer for you and your family is that you become all that God has predestined you to be by FAITH and began to live your best life NOW!!

Our Mission..


is to be an active expression of The Most High God’s unconditional love in this earth.  In The Kingdom of God, 'a soul', is the highest premium. Did you know that every time someone accepts Jesus Christ as the LORD of their life, this incites a praise session in the heavens?! Yes!! With that in mind, our mission is to live as children of the light and carry out random acts of kindness: freely giving, praying, listening and offering spiritual support as The Spirit of Christ leads us.

We know without a doubt, He (God) is the Only One Who has the answer to all of life's unsolved mysteries.

Our Services...


are filled with an expectation of signs, wonders and miracles! We are a loving, adaptable, relevant, and spirit filled group of believers.

Being led by God's Spirit, keeps us in a ready, fresh state of mine. There is nothing missing or lacking in any of our gatherings: the moments of worship, praise, prayer, and inspiration from God's Word, gives us all something to look forward to.

We hope you and your family will be intentional about making time to worship The King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Join us online and anytime we fellowship.

2 Corinthians 5:17... Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]. 
The goal in life is to move forward with our Faith focused on GOD!  
Our Father is a Covenant GOD... He has made us a peculiar people to show His glory in this earth.  He has chosen us, called us, anointed us, and graced us...  We're getting ready to see Spiritual manifestations, Divine interventions and much, much more... We welcome you to come off the sidelines of life and secure your faith in this rewarding race. 
Embrace God's Plan, His Grace, Favor and Life-Changing Truth today!!!  

Connect to the Vine (Jesus Christ) and grow on your journey of faith. Stay tuned for inspiration, special prayer and updates.

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