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Romans 8:14... For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
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Pastor Cathy Nickelson...
is the overseer and under-shepherd of this growing ministry. She is a woman of God, who has been transformed into a son after God's own heart. Her vocation and calling has afforded her the humbling role of preacher, teacher, psalmist, intercessor, Army veteran, church administrator, DOD employee, mentor and a servant of integrity.

Pastor Cathy's agenda in life is ultimately to please her Heavenly Father...  Promoting an unwavering faith in Jesus Christ; Issuing spiritual identity cards to men, women and children while 'Teaching', 'Training', and 'Trusting' them with God's Word; Developing Spiritual Sons who yield to the 'Transformational' work of God's Spirit and The Voice of His Word to become 'Triumphant' in Kingdom matters to The Glory of God.

The Holy Spirit has influenced Pastor Cathy's steps in a number of ways to develop her calling, training and equipping for ministry; The divine providence of anointed men and women who filled the role of spiritual mentors proved to be the most challenging and rewarding moments in her life.  Her submission to mentorship allowed her opportunities to grow and serve in positions i.e., youth minister, singles ministry, praise & worship ministry, small group Bible study teacher, intercessory prayer, pastoral care (assistant pastor), altar counselor, armor bearer and more.
In 2009, she was ordained as an elder, under Pastor Vernon and Tracy Fowler of Christian House of Prayer-Europe. She attended and graduated 'Sonship School of the Firstborn-Europe' {a two-year ministerial training and certification course for leaders.} God's Hand is on her and over the years, He has divinely orchestrated assignments to military communities where hungry souls reside.  When God called Cathy's name, she sought out genuine prayer and confirmation on answering God's Calling by faith. She responded with a humble heart, putting her hands to the plow: continuously serving, learning, and growing in Grace.
Undoubtedly, God has invested His Spirit and entrusted His Word to this vessel. From 2009 to present, Pastor Cathy has grown through every assignment from the Lord God.... An interim pastor with a Baptist Church Association of Germany; As the first female (non-military) pastor of the Bamberg Community Gospel Worship Service; An administrative elder with a local church in Fayetteville, NC; In 2016, established a flourishing weekly prayer outreach ministry.  From 2017 until present, she has led a local family ministry-Raeford and Fort Bragg area of North Carolina. Faith-Now Christian Ministries' Scripture... 'Be Not Afraid, Only Believe', Mark 5:36; is a torch in our heart as we forge passionately forward In Christ.  We are fully persuaded that with GOD - Nothing is Impossible!!

Pastor Cathy is a gift from God: Graced with wisdom and insight beyond her years of life. She is wholeheartedly dedicated to the cause of Christ and advancing Kingdom-Minded Ministry. God has called, equipped, qualified, justified, anointed and transformed this vessel into a Spirit-Led Son, after His Own Heart. To God be the glory for ALL the things He's doing in her life and on our journey of Faith. 
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